T.I. Says He Won't Fight Mayweather Again Although He Isn't Scared To
T.I. was engaging followers on Periscope on Wednesday, January 25, when one fan rehashed his 2014 dust up with Floyd Mayweather Jr. The Grand Hustle boss could do nothing but laugh as he addressed inquiry into whether he'd be willing to scrap with the retired champ. "What he say? Fight Mayweather? Come on cuz... again? come on man," said Tip as he chuckled.
Those unfamiliar with their confrontation in Las Vegas may recall the more modest tensions that unfolded between them in 2016 after photos surfaced to show Floyd hanging out with Tip's wife, Tiny, at Mariah Carey's Halloween party. In hindsight of the couple's split, it would seem apparent that the incident impacted Tiny and T.I.'s union more than it did T.I.'s already blemished relationship with Mayweather, especially considering that video of them dancing exposed her original story that they were pulled together for a quick picture and that was all.
Fans who were privy to what was going on in the entertainment world three years ago remember an uglier episode. Tip and Tiny had been out and about in Floyd's hometown, when a confrontation popped off between T.I. and Mayweather at a Vegas Fatburger. Tip, reportedly angered by an Instagram photo Tiny posted of Floyd and his daughter [which put him over the top during a time in which he had grown suspicious of their friendship], would approach Floyd's table with some words, before swinging on him and sparking an aggressive exchange between their camps. It is said that up until that point Floyd and T.I. were actually friends.
After laughing off the fan's suggestion, T.I. declined the possibility of shooting a fair one with the champ, but not before clarifying that his refusal would have nothing to do with him being afraid. "To fear any man walking the earth is disrespectful to god," he said. "If he got that fight you fear the fight, you ain't fearing the man. It ain't about him no more."
Source: instagram.com